Do I Need a Detox?

The word detox has taken such a battering by the media over the past few years that there is more negative connotation and myth associated with it, than the wonderful vitality and rejuvenation it can bring to your health. A good detox program can literally be the start of a new lease on life and the essential first step down the path of long-term wellbeing.

Put simply, to detox means to give your blood a good clean (that grease and oil change), which has a profound and positive effect on your liver, kidneys, and every other organ of your body. Our blood accumulates toxins (more than it can filter out) from both external and endogenous (internal) sources. External toxins come into your body through poor diet, drinking too much alcohol, coffee and tea, stress, poor sleep, exposure to environmental toxins (pollution) and taking drugs… among other things. Endogenous sources are usually a result of hormonal or chemical imbalances, and by-products of the bacteria in our digestive system. Often excess endogenous toxins are a result of exposure to too many external toxins.

When your blood contains too many toxins it compromises every cell in the body. As a result your health pays a price… and ultimately your hip-pocket does too.

I remember the very first Detox program I did, and that intense feeling of being 100% healthy at the end of it. I had spent a week at a Wellness Retreat and was put on a detox program. At the end of the program I had crystal-clear eyes, my skin was glowing and my energy levels were at an all-time high. My usual Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms were no more, and I had never felt so vibrant and healthy in my entire life. I remember thinking everyone should experience this feeling. Nirvana!

And yes, I confess that a medically supervised Detox program in a beautiful Spa environment, with food and juices prepared for you, and treatments to help your body to rid toxins,  is a great way to Detox.

Do I Need A Detox?

Your body has it’s own detoxification system, but like anything, if it is overloaded, it begins to fall behind, and the result is a backlog of toxins in your body. The toxins that can’t be filtered out of your blood can wreak havoc on your health. And if you’re already suffering from an illness, excess toxins can make it worse.

Some of the symptoms of too many toxins in your body are outlined below.

If you suffer from any of these then you might benefit from a one of detox programs we offer at  Amatara Welleisure.


Signs You May Benefit From Doing a Detox Program:

  • Frequent headaches
  • Poor digestion and bloating
  • Acne and skin problems
  • Bad breath
  • Feeling sluggish & lacking energy
  • Poor sleep patterns
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Sense of fogginess
  • Anxiety and/or mood swings
  • Recurring infections
  • Nerve pain or numbness

Be honest, if you suffer from any of these symptoms on a regular basis, you would definitely benefit from giving your body a cleanse. You do not need to suffer, and you will definitely enjoy the feeling of being energised and vital for doing so.

If you are not sure which Detox Program is right for you, speak with one of our Wellness Team who can hep put you on the path of wellness.


Words: Kris Abbey


